Autumn Masterclasses

Autumn Masterclasses

Autumn Masterclasses Make the most of some me time and book yourself into one of our Autumn Masterclasses Tuesday 29th September 09.15-10.15am Pure Stretch with Gemma (Zoom only) £15 Stretch away your post lockdown tensions with this hour long masterclass devoted...
Online classes- How does it work?

Online classes- How does it work?

Step 1: Book or renew your class Book your course with Kate for the next 4 weeks. Step 2: Receive your unique class link You will receive the link up to 1 hour before the class. It’s as easy at clicking the link. This will open a new window on your laptop. It will ask...
Online timetable from June 2020

Online timetable from June 2020

 ONLINE TIMETABLE Monday: 9.30  Beginner Plus Mat Karen18.00  Intermediate Mat with Suzy19.00 Beginner Plus Mat with Suzy20.00 Beginner Plus Mat with Suzy   Tuesday: 08.30 Beginner Plus with Sarah09.30 Beginner Plus Mat with Karen10.45 Intermediate Mat with Elda16.00...