Book your 1:1 / 2:1

Book your 1:1 / 2:1

Book your 1-1 /2-1 now! We are already taking bookings for 1-1s from week commencing 12th April. The PP team are ready and excited to get back to teaching you face to face. So if you’ve been on Zoom since March 2020 how about booking yourself a refresher 1-1 today?...
12th April We are Re-opening for 1-1 sessions

12th April We are Re-opening for 1-1 sessions

Finally it feels that we can see some light at the end of the tunnel, and we’re excited!! After the government announcement last week we have been busy making plans to reopen PP. From April 12th we will be opening for:   1-1s 2-1s (for people in the same household or...