How To Overcome Anxiety.
A workshop with Khody Damestani.

Wed 20th November 7pm – 8.30pm / £20.00

✅ Learn proven techniques to soothe your nervous system and restore calm.
✅ Discover powerful techniques to challenge fear and worry.
✅ Find out how your mind works to manage anxiety more effectively.
✅ Discover how to eliminate anxiety and get back into the flow of your life.

Khody Damestani MSc BSc DIHP is a leading expert in the areas of behaviour change, happiness and overcoming anxiety with over 18 years experience as a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist and University lecturer.

He is the author of internationally recognised diplomas and degree modules in his field. He has worked with Olympic athletes, business leaders and organisations in the areas of peak performance and emotional well-being.

To book your place, simply email Emma via